I've had quite a number of pics saved up over the past week or two, but just haven't had the time to get them up. So today here's a whole bunch!
Oh dur. There's a ring pull.
I love that from one end of the train carriage, you can see a guy all the way over the other side.
Take what you can, leave nothing behind... except a beer and a wheel.
This is Oreo. He's a cute little cat, who will some day grow up to terrorise my sister before eventually become a sedate little thing.
Happy rice pot loves to keep your rice warm.
I love these sculptures. They keep appearing in my local park, but someone also keeps destroying them. At least it brings variety.
Lighting is pretty horrid in this tunnel, but I often see people carrying all sort of weird and wonderful things.
On one of my mystery shops, I came across a box of tissues that has what looks like a turd on it. Turd. Because rocks wouldn't make much sense either.
Seems like there's a lot from my commute. I've been having less luck on the weekends with taking pics, so I've had to make do where I can. Better to have seven pics of my commute than none at all, right?