Saturday, July 31, 2010

Texture - Seven

IMG_6568.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

Jess' mat, covered in dog fur. It needs a bit of a vacuum!

So end this week. I loaned out my camera, so I didn't have Sunday to shoot. In fact, I almost completely forgot I was meant to be shooting this week.

It wasn't until Thursday or Friday afternoon that I remembered while looking at something and thought it would be a good thing to shoot for the theme.

So now I need to think of a new theme... Mobility.

Texture - Six

IMG_6562.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

This is actually a metal suitcase I have. Didn't think it would turn out like this with the right light.

Texture - Five

IMG_6556.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

A jacket.

Texture - Four

IMG_6555.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

Bit hard to tell, this one. It's the fabric backrest of my chair.

Texture - Three

IMG_6552.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

A set of fabric blinds, right next to my workspace.

Texture - Two

IMG_6546.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

The walls of my house.

It's an old house.

Texture - One

IMG_6545.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

Bit of a let-down this week.

It would have been a prime topic for macros, but unfortunately I don't have one (one of the things on my wishlist is the new EF 100mm 2.8L).

This here is my couch!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Camera Gear - Seven

IMG_6516.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

Providing the lighting for all of these shots is my old 430EX flash.

They don't make these anymore, but they're a hardy little thing.

So that ends this week! On a Saturday no less!

Good fun experimenting with paper to get that seamless effect.

And so next week's theme is... Texture.

Camera Gear - Six

IMG_6523.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

My old DSLR.

Fun times learning on this, it mainly sits in a drawer now.

Camera Gear - Five

IMG_6456.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

This is by far my workhorse lens.

The hood on this (not pictured) is deep and Canon for some reason never thought to provide a centre-pinch cap, so I use the Sigma one.

Yes, that's my dining table.

Camera Gear - Four

IMG_6532.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

Okay, I cheated a little.

Here's the Cactus V4 receiver.

Camera Gear - Three

IMG_6530.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

Cactus V4 transmitter. Can't say I recommend these very much. Perhaps I got a bad set, but they are as flakey as a flakey thing that doesn't work much of the time.

Camera Gear - Two

IMG_6513.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

Whoops. Left my cap on upside down!

I've mentioned this elsewhere, but my Sigma end cap is randomly on another lens, and its centre-pinch sits on another lens more suited for it.

Camera Gear - One

IMG_6509.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

My nifty-fifty. I don't have a standard zoom, so this one gets used quite a lot.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Jess - One

IMG_6440.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

Unfortunately, I messed up last week. It was meant to be an easy week since Jess is always around at home and I could just whip out the camera and take a gazillion shots.

I ended up taking this out at my parents' place, pretty much the only one of 18 shots that I was happy with.

I'll try harder this week.

This week's theme? Camera gear!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Whoops again!

I missed a weeks worth! I haven't been taking my camera out with me the past week and I think that's really hurting my shooting. Will try better this week.

So this week's theme?


Who is Jess? Hopefully, you all will be revealed! =)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Metal - Seven

IMG_6239.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

And drained of all creativity at this point.

I was thinking shiny kitchenware and that sort of thing, but I figured it was probably a good thing to get outside and take some pictures, even if it is sorta cold.

So for next week's theme? Artificial light.

Metal - Six

IMG_6236.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

Grabbing at straws a little here.

Metal - Five

IMG_6235.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

I live in a semi-industrial, semi-residential area. It's really quite bizarre what sort of things stick out from walls and buildings.

Metal - Four

IMG_6232.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

You never know what you'll find around my neighbourhood. Some of these houses are pretty darn old though.

Metal - Three

IMG_6231.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

In hindsight, I wish I got the bottom "simona" in the frame to fit in with the whole "double-vision" thing.

Metal - Two

IMG_6230.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

Those little knobs prevent skateboarders from grinding on edges. They have them subtly everywhere. On benches and what not.

Metal - One

IMG_6229.jpg, originally uploaded by Mukimu.

Took them all again on Sunday. At least this time before the sun disappeared!